zoom in inquiry, 2008

interface of zoom in inquiry activity

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students viewed sections of an image and made hypotheses about the bigger picture of the primary source image Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

sort it out, 2008

sort if out interface

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students examined eight different images and identified similaries and differences among them by sorting the images into at least two categories. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

life in a box, 2008

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students examined clues in the primary sources to identify a historical figure, place, etc. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

loc tps website, 2007

interface of tps website with folders and iframe

The website for the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources – Colorado Rural Partnership website. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator

loc primary sources bookmarks, 2007

four bookmark designs

As a graduate student, I served as a Graduate Assistant (GA) doing instructional design work for a grant funded by the Library of Congress, Teaching with Primary Sources – Colorado Rural Partnership. We worked with rural K-12 educators to help integrate the (then) 14 million+ primary digital resources from the Library of Congress website in loc primary sources bookmarks, 2007