zoom in inquiry, 2008

interface of zoom in inquiry activity

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students viewed sections of an image and made hypotheses about the bigger picture of the primary source image Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

sort it out, 2008

sort if out interface

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students examined eight different images and identified similaries and differences among them by sorting the images into at least two categories. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

life in a box, 2008

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources activity created into a Flash-based interaction. Students examined clues in the primary sources to identify a historical figure, place, etc. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3).

kibou, 2008

wooden boat on stormy waters

Kibou, in Japanese, means hope. For this project, we were given a small piece of a map and were asked to create a visual depicting what we would see if were standing in that area based on clues from the symbols. The numbers and lines suggested that the piece of map was from the middle of the kibou, 2008

loc tps website, 2007

interface of tps website with folders and iframe

The website for the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources – Colorado Rural Partnership website. Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator

loc primary sources bookmarks, 2007

four bookmark designs

As a graduate student, I served as a Graduate Assistant (GA) doing instructional design work for a grant funded by the Library of Congress, Teaching with Primary Sources – Colorado Rural Partnership. We worked with rural K-12 educators to help integrate the (then) 14 million+ primary digital resources from the Library of Congress website in loc primary sources bookmarks, 2007

orinoco scrapstore, 2005

website interface with navigation on left and iframe on right

Website for a professor at oxford university for the Orinoco Scrapstore in Headington, Oxford. Tools: Adobe Photoshop